Papua New Guinean .Bible

Discover more about translations of the Bible into the languages of Papua New Guinea – and read them for yourself.

About Papua New Guinea

The Bible was first bought to Papua New Guinea in the 1900s. There are over 800 languages spoken in Papua New Guinea, making it the most linguistically diverse country in the world. Here you can explore the different languages that the Bible is available in. Below you can see verses in Maiwa, Ama ad Uri, and you can also read the bible in Maiwa.

1Man aye nyiŋ awobe pa Icrael ma yam gubino i Ejipt kacel ki Yakobo, kun ŋat acel acel bino ki jo nia i ode: 2Reuben, Cimeon, Levi, Juda, 3Icakar, Jabulon, ki Benjamin,

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Nia 1:1-3
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You can also find out about PNG languages by visiting these .Bible sites:

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Ka timinggi' timinggi'sini' napa' ni guk mo' kadofigu' ganang ka Midi adi ningsa' itarugu'. Ka Midi ka wa Anutu guk kubap ikiagumu'. Midi ka undu' Anutu.

Jon 1:1

Tokuwa toku hani hani mo auwonouluwoi muwoi, noko mo na tolokainoki. Imo kaluwaiki, tani siyolo mo. Kotoni auso tolokainoki. Koto mo tomoso, to mo

Iyono 1:1

Contact Us

Bible Society in Papua New Guinea

Bible House, Hubert Murray Highway Koki
Port Moresby
Papua New Guinea
PO Box 335
